
“The constant application of inflexible rules stifles the imagination.” 

Por Jeff Figueroa

The leadership you should not use to treat your employees

I had worked in a company in which its environment was stressful and I didn´t realize that the only person who inflicted all of this stress was my direct boss who actually was the owner of the company. Therefore, my co-workers and I felt overly-controlled by our boss and her leadership style. She used to oversee our work in a very uncomfortable way for us because I remember she often used to call me at midnight to ask me questions that she already had the answers in her mailbox or even the way she used to pressure me by text messages or phone calls every time she could.

It makes me feel sad because it remains me when I was working there and I have bad memories from that company. I cannot believe that only one person could possible cause enormous damage to the people who works with.


In business management, micromanagement is a management style whereby a manager closely observes and/or controls and/or reminds the work of their subordinates or employees. Micromanagement is generally considered to have a negative connotation, mainly because it shows a lack of freedom in the workplace.

«Creativity should thrive in the presence of no strict rules.»

Despite the fact lead people is tough, as a leader of a work-team you should not use this kind of leadership because it makes your employees feel uncomfortable. They believe that the work that they are doing it is not efficient because their boss tell them exactly how to do the work. Even though, they are talents employees. In this essay, I will examine some of the reasons you have to change micromanagement as a style of leadership. Otherwise, you will lose all your talents people.

First, Micromanagers they do believe they have the right to do the things in the way they only know because there is no other. It is like they are kind of gods because only they have the knowledge to reach goals efficiently. They do not believe in their employees because if they would they allow to their employees to be free, to work different and make decision on they own.

Second, What stands out the most is that micromanagers make a lot of mistakes, but only they are allowed to make mistakes. If one employee make one it is going to be the end for them because they need to be perfect, without any error. Micromanagement is a kind of leadership to overcontrol projects in order to keep an eye on every detail. As we know we are human beings and because of that we are not perfect, so the micromanagers they need to understand that we make mistakes, we are not perfect, we need to make mistakes to learn from them.

Third, The employees feel that they have to compel to do the work in the way the micromanager decide. 

However, micromanagement is not bad at all. When you are in a small-scale projects you can micromanaging employees in order to keep the quality of the work, but as long as the company grows you should not being overly-controlling because you will end burned out. Also, you can damage employees trust and increase employee turnover rate. 

Finally, If you are being micromanaged maybe you feel ticked off of what your micromanager is doing with your work. In other words, it is annoying that somebody else does not trust in you and you feel stifled because you have to do lots of progress report only to satisfy them. In my personal opinion, I would like to comment on those situations both for employee and manager we can unify forces in order to get a better result in which everyone is going to celebrate because we work together, not alone. So, find those tools can be help you to eliminate Micromanagement for ever.

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